Join in the National Day of Action
Against SB1070
For justice & human rights
Thursday, July 29, 2010
NNIRR, the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, invites you to take action against SB1070, Arizona's anti-immigrant racial profiling hate law. Click here to raise your voice against anti-immigrant hate laws and demand justice and human rights from any place in the country or world.
Here are the key websites for information and connections to campaigns and work specifically against SB-1070, Arizona's anti-immigrant racial profiling law:
(Note: these are the announcements that were emailed to NNIRR))
1. Phoenix, AZ
Thursday, July 29
Rally at Wells Fargo, 9am
1st Ave. and Washington
Rally at the 4th Ave. jail, 4pm
4th Ave. and Madison
Sponsored by Alto Arizona and others
2. Tucson, AZ
¡YA BASTA! Enough
Comunidades Uniéndose a La Resistencia! Communities Uniting to Resist!
Resistiendo unid@s hasta el 29 de julio!
Resisting together up to and all day July 29th!
The State Bldg. in on corner of Congress and Granada.
El Edificio Estatal esta en la esquina de Congress y Granada.
July 28 5:00pm:
Demonstration begins. Resistencia Unida at State Bldg. - YA BASTA!
July 28 7:30pm:
Sundown. Vigil begins. Candles begin to light. Bring your arte, candles and veladores for the all-night vigil!
July 28 9:00pm:
Musica! Energizing ourselves to maintain an all-night presence at the State bldg. Spoken word, beat box, poetry, songs shared TODA LA NOCHE!
July 29 5:30am:
Calpolli Teoxicalli Sunrise Ceremony/Ceremonia al amanecer
July 29 7:00am
Interfaith service AT PRESIDIO PARK (City Hall)
July 29 8:00am
ALL OUT! Massive Convergence at State Bldg.!
REPUDIO a la SB1070!
July 29 4:00pm:
We act on the principle that if a law is unjust, our duty is RESISTANCE!!
For more information, please call (520) 770-1373 [ Email: ]
Coalición de Derechos Humanos, Tucson, AZ:
3. North Carolina
Raleigh and Charlotte
Media Alert
For immediate Release
Roxana Bendezú or Stacey Bonilla
704-264-4444 or 704-737-7124
NO SB1070!
WHAT: On Thursday, July 29th, 2010, Charlotte United: A Coalition of Community Partners, will host a rally and live theater performance, followed by a candlelight prayer vigil.
WHO: Charlotte United: Action NC, Grassroots Leadership, Unity Group of Charlotte, Bonilla Community Services, American Friends Service Committee, Immigrant Solidarity Committee, Saint Peters Catholic Church Social Justice Committee, Glenn Hutchinson, Tom Strini.
WHEN & WHERE: 6:30 pm on Thursday, July 29, 2010 at Marshal Park (555 S McDowell St Charlotte, NC 28204)
BACKGROUND: Opposition has sparked across the state of Arizona and the country to defeat SB1070 and any policies that further criminalize people and separate families. We know that if SB1070 is not stopped in Arizona now, similar laws will spread throughout the country. In North Carolina, legislators are considering an Arizona like bill.
In May of this year, Senate Joint Resolution SJ1349 was introduced in the NC Senate. The federal government needs adopt a comprehensive immigration reform that will not only protect American jobs, but will also lead to a path to citizenship for the close to 12 million undocumented people in our country. An enforcement only approach is unreasonable and will not solve the root causes of undocumented immigration. A comprehensive approach from the federal government is the answer.
As a state that has led the civil rights movement in the 60’s, it us up to North Carolina to set an example for the rest of the nation and say, this is not acceptable. This law can only terrorize communities if the federal government cooperates with it. We demand that the Obama Administration take decisive action and not comply with Arizona’s SB1070. We as North Carolinians, stand firm in our belief that “an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere”.
4. North Carolina
Raleigh, NC: 5pm July 29th:
From Arizona to North Carolina: March for Immigrant Justice
WHAT: A march to protest racial profiling and discrimination against immigrant and minority communities
WHEN: July 29 at 5 p.m.
WHERE: Gathering at Nash Square, at the corner of Dawson and Hargett, to march through downtown Raleigh to the State Capitol
RALEIGH (July 29) -- Concerned North Carolinians will hold a march and rally in downtown Raleigh on July 29 to protest racial profiling and discrimination against immigrant and minority communities.
The event is part of a national day of action against the enactment of the Arizona law SB 1070, which mandates that all local police and sheriffs demand documents from people they suspect might be in the state without authorization. The marchers will gather at 5 p.m. at Nash Square (the corner of Dawson and Hargett in Raleigh) and walk to the State Capitol for a rally.
SB 1070, or the “Arizona Law,” requires that all law enforcement agencies determine the immigration status of a person if there is “reasonable suspicion” that the person is unlawfully present. Under this law, people who look “foreign” can be targeted for minor infractions – having a broken taillight or jaywalking – and then asked for proof of legal status. U.S. citizens and legal residents who “look like” foreigners could be at risk of arrest and deportation if they cannot produce acceptable forms of identification to verify their immigration status.
While North Carolina has not passed similar legislation, racial profiling continues to be a serious concern across our state. Currently in North Carolina, at least 29 county and local law enforcement agencies are participating in either the 287(g) or "Secure Communities" programs, which are partnerships between local law enforcement and ICE (Immigration Customs and Enforcement).
These programs focus on identifying and apprehending immigrants who may be in the country without authorization, resulting in the arrest and deportation of undocumented people after they have been arrested for minor violations. This has led to the widespread fracturing of families and created a climate of heightened fear in our communities.
On July 29, the marchers will call on state and federal officials to stop unfair treatment of immigrants and to work for a just immigration policy that includes compassion for those who are trying to overcome poverty and political oppression. Participating groups oppose racial profiling in Arizona, North Carolina and throughout the country. The marchers seek laws that are inclusive and respect the dignity of all human beings.
“From Arizona to North Carolina: March for Immigrant Justice” is being organized by NC ICE Watch in partnership with Black Workers for Justice, the Fr. Charlie Mulholland Catholic Worker House, NC DREAM Team, NC Justice Center, the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, Pueblo Unido, the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, Student Action with Farmworkers and community leaders.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Fernando Mejia (English and Spanish), mobile 208-830-0313, or Jeff Shaw (English), mobile 503-551-3615,
5. New York
We Are All Arizona!
National Day of Action against SB 1070 Law: March Across the Brooklyn Bridge
Thursday, July 29th
9:30am Gather at Cadman Plaza, Brooklyn
(take A/C trains to High Street, OR 2/3/4/5/R trains to Borough Hall)
10:00am March across Brooklyn Bridge
11:00am Press Conference & Rally at Foley Square in Manhattan
(take 4/5 to Brooklyn Bridge OR N/R/W to City Hall)
Why We Are Marching:
- We stand in solidarity with the people of AZ against the inhumane and unjust law SB1070
- We oppose Arizona-like laws that have spread throughout the nation, including right here in NYC
- We condemn racial profiling in all forms as exemplified by SB1070 and moreover we denounce the racism that underlies these laws
Our Demands:
1) We want humane legalization for all, not a “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” that creates more Arizonas through harsh enforcement policies like 287g, border militarization, and increased deportations.
2) We want an end to mass detentions, deportations, 287g, Secure Communities programs that criminalize immigrant people.
Organized by:
New Sanctuary Movement, Families for Freedom, Immigrant Defense Project, Black Institute, Churches United to Save & Heal, Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights, DRUM-Desis Rising Up & Moving, VAMOS Unidos, American Friends Service Committee, Wind of the Spirit (NJ)
Endorsed by (in progress):
Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition, Damayan, Sistas and Brothas United, NY Immigration Coalition, World Can’t Wait, Sikh Coalition, Urban Youth Collaborative, Immigrant Communities in Action, Center for Immigrant Families, Sikh Coalition, United for Peace and Justice, South Asian Americans Leading Together, Boycott Arizona Coalition, Muslim Consultative Network, New Immigrant Community Empowerment, CAAAV, Center for Constitutional Rights, Peekskill Area Pastors Assoc., La Union, National Economic & Social Rights Initiative, Coney Island Avenue Project, Youth on the Move , Sikh Coalition, SA Bar Assoc. of NY, Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund, Adhikaar, NYS Youth Leadership Council
To endorse- email
For details, call Families for Freedom- (646) 290-5551
6. Oakland, CA
Stop Arizona SB 1070! * Stop Secure Communities
Join us to stand for an end to the discrimination and persecution of immigrants!
Our Spirit Will Not Be Broken! Justice for Immigrants!
Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 3:00 pm
Oakland, Fruitvale BART Plaza
Street Theater, Speakers, Dance, Poetry, Praying & Interfaith Service
Sponsors: Black Alliance for Just Immigration, East Bay Interfaith Immigration Coalition, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant, Just Cause, Mujeres Unidas y Activas Multicultural Institute
For information call East Bay Sanctuary Covenant (510) 540-5296 ask for Manuel
7. Mississippi Immigrant Rights Alliance (MIRA), Jackson, MS:
MIRA will host a news conference on Thursday, July 29, 2010 at Noon in Room 113 at the Mississippi State Capitol. Please call the MIRA office at (601) 968- 5182 for more information.
8. Rhode Island
Rhode Island joins National Day of Action against Arizona's SB1070
Community presents demands to Gubernatorial Candidates
Thursday, July 29 is the official date for the implementation of SB1070 in Arizona.
Around the country and in Latin America, there are plans for protests and resistance.
In Rhode Island, various organizations are planning a rally to show solidarity with the people of Arizona and at the same time, pressure candidates for Governor to commit to a different future for Rhode Island.
The event starts with a brief rally at 4:30 in the park behind the Armory (between Cranston and Westminster Streets, in Dexter Park) in Providence. At the end of the rally, people will have the chance to review the responses that the candidates have submitted to a series of questions and demands, such as:
- commit to veto and to speak against any “copycat” of Arizona's SB1070
- order the DMV to accept government ID from other countries in order to receive a license
- prohibit police from asking for ID from people without cause
- support “In-State Tuition” through which graduates of RI high schools are charged the same tuition whether they have papers or not, and
- rescind the executive order
“We are against the criminalization of our communities, whether they are Latino, Asian, or African American, and we also oppose the attempt to attack the citizenship of the children of immigrants, as is happening in Arizona,” said Marlon Cifuentes, organizer with English in Action.
Groups supporting the day of action include: DARE Direct Action for Rights and Equality; Providence Youth and Student Movement (PrYSM); Olneyville Neighborhood Association (ONA); English in Action (EfA); Immigrants in Action Committee; RI Jobs with Justice; AFSC, SE New England Chapter; and Ocean State Action.
For more information, contact Olneyville Neighborhood Association ONA at 228-8996.
9. Los Angeles
Protests and Press Conference in LA to STOP Arizona SB1070!
TODAY!! Tuesday July 27th & AGAIN on Wednesday the 28th at 5:00PM!
Downtown LA Federal building: 300 North Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012.
Organized by the Southern California Immigration Coalition. Please help us spread the word!! And if you want to go to Arizona with us on Wednesday night, go to our website to reserve your seat!
[Get on the] Boycott Bus to Arizona
Southern California Immigration Coalition- SCIC is going to Arizona.
Be at Arizona July 29 to stop SB1070
Cost $35.00 per person
Meeting place is Centro Cultural Francisco Villa * 2100 Maple Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90011
We leave Wed night July 28
We return Thursday night July 29.
Please RSVP right away.
Phone # 323-602-3425
10. McAllen, TX
For More Info. Contact: (956) 207-2571
In Front of the Federal Courthouse, on the corner of 18th and old Hwy 83 in McAllen, TX
1:30PM, Wednesday, July 28, 2010
How does the Rio Grande Valley weigh in with enforcement programs that rely on racial profiling and apprehensions in a race to rock bottom for Human Rights?
Southwest Workers’ Union will hold a press conference in front of the Federal Courthouse to issue a statement about the Federal Court hearings that put into question the legality of SB1070 in Arizona. Community members rally and vigil for Arizona and against racist enforcement programs because the Rio Grande Valley comes in 3rd place in apprehensions (2008), behind San Diego, CA (second place) and Tucson, AZ which of course is in first place.
During our press conference we will announce our participation in events on July 29th, 2010, in accordance with Puente Arizona’s call for an International Day of Non-Compliance (don’t consume, don’t comply) during which nation-wide and internationally there will be events to demonstrate against the racist SB1070. We call for peace in our communities and an end to the discrimination and violence against im/migrants.
2PM- Spiritual Fast and Boycott against SB1070: convene to celebrate the fast and boycott by gathering in front of the Basilica de San Juan in San Juan, TX (400 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd. San Juan, Texas 78589
Sponsored by Southwest Workers’Union and Redes Ciudadanas of Texas.
* (We will also be supporting LUPE at 10AM for the “Vigil Against SB1070,” Corner of Cesar Chavez Road and Business 83 in San Juan, TX 78589.)
Background Info: Solicitor General Edwin Kneedler is in Arizona. He is challenging SB 1070, a Jim Crowe law that would make police arrest and prosecute people suspected of not having papers. Â SB1070 will be implemented on Thursday, July 29.
The Justice Department has argued the law oversteps constitutional bounds by creating a parallel immigration system that threatens the federal one and interfering with foreign relations.
According to the Migration Policy Institute website, five of the nine Southwest sectors accounted for 88.4 percent (640,198) of all border apprehensions. And Tucson, AZ accounted for more Border Patrol apprehensions in 2008 than any other sector. The Rio Grande Valley, Texas (10%) rated 3rd place with Tucson, Arizona in first place (44%); and San Diego, Californiain second place (22%) regarding the most apprehensions in 2008.
Arizona was the premiere state partner in a Homeland Security program called 287(g), which since 2002 has made it okay for local law enforcement to ask about papers and detain immigrants without criminal charge. As a consequence, local police in the nation have detained thousands of im/migrants. During the hearing Kneedler argued that SB 1070 is an unconstitutional departure from the course they set.
S-COMM is an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) program that operates within the criminal justice system and which allows state and local law enforcement to automatically provide information to ICE of anybody who is arrested, no matter how minor the charge. In April 2009, the California Department of Justice signed an agreement with ICE, which activatedCalifornia's participation in the program. Although S-COMM is a voluntary program, Attorney General Jerry Brown has prohibited San Francisco from not participating. Our "Sanctuary Law" has in effect been obliterated !
WHAT: Press Conference and Rally to pressure Attorney General Jerry Brown to allow SF to not participate in S-COMM program. Save our Sanctuary Law!
WHEN: Thursday, July 29, 2010, 11 am.
WHERE: In front of Attorney General Jerry Brown's San Francisco office, 455 Golden Gate Ave.
For more information, please contact Renee Saucedo at, (415) 553-3404.
12. San Diego, CA
Contacts | Contactos
Adriana Jasso
Coordinator of the Raza Rights Coalition (proyecto de Unión del Barrio)
(619) 808-7277 (celular)
Bryan Constantino
Comité de Derechos Humanos Digna Ochoa
(619) 990-7360 (celular)
San Diego, CA – On Wednesday, July 28, 2010 the Raza Rights Coalition and its member collectives will be organizing a protest in front of the Federal Building located in downtown San Diego. This action is a response from people in San Diego to the call for solidarity and national protests that numerous organizations in Arizona have made at the national level.
“If the judge responsible for considering the two lawsuits against SB 1070 delivers on Wednesday a decision in favor of the new law, it will give the green light to the nine other states that have already announced their intention to introduce similar legislation like the law in Arizona.” So states Adriana Jasso, coordinator of the Raza Rights Coalition. Actions to denounce and repudiate SB 1070 are urgent in order to ensure that the massage of the organized communities will be heard throughout the country.
A racist and repressive environment will not win the battle against the struggles of community based organizations that have for years worked to win dignity and human rights. This invitation is for all people to unite with this call for solidarity against SB 1070. United we can become one voice against racism and repression.
This action of solidarity will start at 5PM, on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at:
Federal Building, 880 Front Street, San Diego 92101