FW: [URGENT ACTION REQUESTED TO SUPPORT IMMIGRANT RIGHTS -- NILC: Call Congress to Oppose E-Verify in Economic Stimulus Bill]
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Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 11:13 AM
Subject: E-Verify Requirement in Stimulus: Calls Needed Today
Leave Harmful and Ineffective Anti-Immigrant Enforcement Measures Out of Economic Stimulus The House Appropriations Committee made a serious mistake when it approved an amendment to the stimulus bill (the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) that would require all businesses and other public or private "entities" that contract to receive money from the stimulus package to use the flawed federal Basic Pilot/E-Verify program. This will not only delay use of stimulus funds, but will hurt millions of workers. It should be stripped from the bill. The amendment represents a massive expansion of the E-Verify program. As has been well documented, the E-Verify program is deeply flawed, inaccurate, and subject to substantial employer abuse. Bottom line - it is not ready for a massive expansion and definitely not in times of economic crisis. The E-Verify provision in the stimulus will: • Harm workers who are either falsely denied work or are targeted by employers abusing the E-verify program; ACTION NEEDED 1. Call Speaker Nancy Pelosi (head of Democratic Leadership) at 202-225-0100. 2. Call Chairman Obey (chair of the House Appropriations committee) at 202-225-3365. 3. Call Democrats who sit on the appropriations committee if you live in their state (see below). 4. Tell them: • You are extremely disappointed that the E-Verify requirement was included on the Stimulus and you want the provision stripped from the bill. • Including E-verify in the stimulus package completely undercuts the purpose of the bill and will only be counterproductive for American business, workers and the economy. • Real solutions to our economic problems and immigration reform should be approached seriously and separately. • The flawed E-Verify program's database errors will wrongly workers their jobs. FAIR (the Federation for American Immigration Reform) just sent out an alert to its very active network to call committee members in support of this provision. We need to counter their calls. DEMOCRATS Marion Berry (AR-1) 202-225-4076 Background E-Verify is a voluntary internet-based program intended to allow employers to electronically verify the information that workers present to prove their employment eligibility by accessing information in databases maintained by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA). For more information on why the provision should be stripped from the economic stimulus bill, see Talking Points. |