Request from Stanford Labor Action: Demand Justice for Workers, Fri May 20 12pm
Rally for Janitors!
Demand Justice!
Organized by Stanford Labor Action (SLAC)
Friday, May 20, 2011, at Noon
Meet in front of Old Union courtyard (Click here for directions)
Rally to Demand Stanford Protect & Protect the Rights of Our Janitors!
To Fire or Not To Fire?
“Twenty-nine Stanford janitors — more than one in five of those who clean academic buildings — will lose their jobs this June if Stanford does nothing to defend them…. Stanford claims that this situation only concerns UGL-Unicco and the janitors’ union, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1877, since Stanford does not directly employ these janitors. While this may be contractually true, the unjust treatment of any member of the Stanford community should ethically concern us all. We believe that the Stanford administration is shirking its responsibility to ensure just treatment for all members of the Stanford community.”…. READ MORE.
Make Action Calls
If you can’t attend the rally:
CALL Grover Brown, UGL-Unicco operations manager, (650) 423-7071
Tell Mr. Brown to stop the firings and honor the workers’ rights.
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