FW: TAKE ACTION: Prevent the derailment of Obama's economic recovery plan!
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TAKE ACTION: Prevent the derailment of Obama’s economic recovery plan!
The Senate is likely to vote on President Obama’s economic recovery bill THIS WEEK. An organized campaign is trying to stop it. Your call can make a difference!
Our nation needs a strong and fair recovery plan. President Obama’s plan creates jobs and responds to the urgent and basic human needs of the nation’s poor and working families. It needs your support now!
Call your
· To vote for the economic recovery bill without delay and without reducing aid to families and states.
· To oppose efforts to include a flawed anti-immigrant measure called “E-Verify.”
Call toll-free* at 1-800-473-6711. Click here for your senators’ name or direct line if toll-free number is busy.
The Senate’s plan does what economists urge. It jumpstarts the economy by increasing food stamp and jobless benefits that people spend quickly. It prevents cuts in crucial state services. It invests in schools and energy efficiency.
Unfortunately, Senator Grassley (R-IA) is expected to introduce an amendment that AFSC opposes. This measure would require all entities receiving recovery funds to enroll in the flawed E-Verify program for all new hires, currently meant to be voluntary. Congressional hearings and independent researchers have identified many flaws with E-Verify.
AFSC opposes any effort to hinge our nation’s economic recovery on mandatory implementation of a system proved to contain inaccuracies and cause workplace discrimination. That contradicts the legislation’s purpose and sends the wrong message at a time when Congress should focus on measures to protect all workers._
Call the Capitol Hill switchboard toll-free* at 1-800-473-6711. Tell them to vote for the economic recovery bill without delay |
Click here to read AFSC’s letter to Senators Reid and McConnell
AFSC Economic Justice Program
For more information contact: Roberta Spivek
rspivek@afsc.org, (215) 241-7037
American Friends Service Committee
*This toll-free number is provided by the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization which works for social and economic justice and peace (www.afsc.org). AFSC welcomes groups to use the number in support of non-partisan work and without linking it to a website that silicates donations or actions, which may be used to support partisan lobbying or work.
Arnoldo Garcia
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Red Nacional Pro Derechos Inmigrantes y Refugiados
Tel (510) 465-1984 ext. 305
Fax (510) 465-1885
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
See NNIRR's letter with signatures
to President Barack Obama at www.nnirr.org
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